Social Committee

About the Social Committee

In the Social Committee, we aim to connect postdocs from the diverse Harvard FAS community and bring them closer together, whether it is socially or professionally. Participating in our events can open new doors for you, either to find new connections for when you’ve just arrived at Harvard or collaborators for your projects. Come join us for our next event!

Social Committee Iniatives

  • The Social Committee organizes monthly breakfasts and social hours. These events are an opportunity to discover different local vendors, for example ice-cream locations, bakeries, and many more!
  • The committee also organizes events across the Harvard campus. Our recent events included Harvard Telescope Night, and happy hours at the Queen’s Head - the Harvard's on-campus pub.
  • We also collaborate with other PDAs in Boston. The recent bowling event with the MIT PDA is an example!

Join the Social Committee

Joining the Social Committee has several benefits:
•    Connect with your fellow postdocs and organize events you’d like to see
•    Explore what the Boston metro area has to offer
•    Work together with the other committees on initiatives that are important to postdocs
•    Demonstrate your creativity!

Our active and fun team is looking forward to hearing from you!

Reach out to us at and one of our board members will get in touch with you.